
TARG will be having a meeting this coming Thursday night (5th October) in Raheen House, Clonmel at 20:00. All are welcome.

APRS Digipeater

After a good bit of testing, we now have one of Scott, N1VG‘s Opentracker2 Prototypes ready for deployment and Tommy, EI2IT’s QTH. The Coverage should be roughly what is predicted in the picture below.

The actual Opentracker2 on test.
Opentracker 2

EI7IG on walkabout

Persuaded the XYL and her sister to go walking yesterday, and took the opportunity to excercise the Conterra-inc Radio Harness. We walked up to the top of SuĂ­ Finn (Seefin) in the Monavullagh mountains.

I managed to raise EI2IT, EI5JF and M3MEL (Cornwall) on simplex from the cairn on the top, and EI1CN on the SEARG repeater system.

EI7IG on Seefin

2m Counties Contest

Many thanks to all who turned up last night, a most informative and enjoyable meeting was had by all I think. Keep August 27th in your diaries as we’re planning an assault on Slievenamban for the 2m Counties Contest.


TARG will be having a meeting Thursday night, the 3rd of August (20:00) in Raheen House, Clonmel. All are welcome.


Hope to see you all Thursday evening, 20:00, Raheen House Clonmel. We will be discussing plans for the upcoming VHF/UHF field day, all are welcome.


Many thanks to those that turned up for the meeting last night. A wide and varied discussion was enjoyed, covering such diverse topics as Solar Power (PV and Water Heating), 2.4 & 5.8Ghz WiFi networking and Contest logging computer interfaces. See you all again next month.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of Tipperary Amateur Group will be held in the usual venue of Raheen House Hotel in Clonmel at 8pm on the first wednsday of june.All are welcome

Tipperary Amateur Radio Group