Category Archives: General

March Meeting

The next meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held at Cahir House Hotel, Cahir, Co Tipperary on Tuesday the 22nd of March 2016 at 8.00pm. There will be a presentation made at this meeting by Olivier ON4EI/EI8GQB on the use of green energy to power his contest station EI1A. IRTS President Ger EI8CC will also attend this meeting which is open to all and Short Wave Listeners are in particular very welcome. A number of radio related topics are up for discussion along with the Groups participation in upcoming events.

Best of luck to Olivier in the ARRL SSB Contest this coming weekend.  Conditions are not the best for setting up a portable contest station at the moment.  Keep up to date with the goings on at EI1A by keeping an eye on his QRZ page here.

EI3BQB – Silent Key

The death of Alfie Coyle EI3BQB occurred suddenly on Friday the 9th of October 2015. He is survived by his wife Teresa, four children Steve, Santina, Nicola and Amanda. Alfie who was originally from Castlederg, County Tyrone lived in Crossroads, and Killygordan, County Donegal before he moved to Cashel in County Tipperary with his family in 1987. He got his licence and call sign EI3BQB in 1984 when he was a member of the DARC (Donegal Amateur Radio Club). Alfie Coyle was one of the founding members of Tipperary Amateur Radio Group which was formed in Grants Hotel, Cashel on the 19th of October 1994. He was elected as the groups first Chairman on the original committee and he was very proactive in the organising of group activities in its early years. Alfie was laid to rest in Rosegreen Cemetery, Cashel, Co Tipperary on Monday the 12th of
October 2015.

May he rest in peace.


September Meeting.

The next meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held at The Park Hotel, Clonmel on Thursday the 3rd of September 2015 at 8.30pm. This meeting is open to all and Short Wave Listeners are in particular very welcome to attend. A number of radio related topics are up for discussion along with plans for participation in the upcoming IRTS SSB Field Day which takes place on the weekend of 5th and 6th of September.

March Meeting

The next meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held at The Park Hotel, Clonmel on Thursday 26th March 2015 at 8.30pm. This meeting is open to all and short wave listeners are very welcome to attend. A number of radio related topics are up for discussion as well as plans for participation in the forthcoming IRTS 2meters Counties Contest.

February Meeting

The next meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held at The Park Hotel, Clonmel on Thursday the 5th of February 2015 at 8.30pm. This meeting is open to all and Short Wave Listeners are in particular very welcome to attend. A number of radio related topics are up for discussion as well as plans for participation in upcoming radio related events.

New Committee

On Thursday 27th November 2013 last, members of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group met at The Park Hotel in Clonmel at 8.30pm for their 20th Annual General Meeting. This was well attended with group members travelling from County Kilkenny, County Waterford, County Limerick and County Cork joining their County Tipperary based colleagues. Paul EI3ENB chaired this very productive meeting with John EI7IG reading the minutes from last years AGM. The group treasurer Thomas EI2IT reported a healthy financial situation for TARG which was formed in October 1994. A review of the year and the group activities was then discussed at length.

Particular praise was given to Eddie EI3FFB for reading the weekly IRTS news every Sunday evening at 8.30pm on 145.450MHz FM and his efforts were very much appreciated. The new incoming committee was then elected and Denny O’Dwyer SWL was nominated as the Web Editor for the group website which was set up during the year. The venue for all group meetings in 2015 will continue to be held at The Park Hotel, Clonmel, County Tipperary. The meeting concluded at 11.30pm when Paul EI3ENB thanked all for their input and efforts in attending this most important event of the calendar year for TARG. The new committee was elected as follows: –

  • Chairman – Hugh O’Donnell EI2HI
  • Vice Chairman – Eddie Kavanagh EI3FFB
  • Secretary – John Ronan EI7IG
  • Treasurer – Thomas Hallinan EI2IT
  • Group PRO – Paul Norris EI3ENB

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held at The Park Hotel, Clonmel on Thursday 27th November 2014 at 8pm. This is the most important meeting of the calendar year and all group members are asked to attend. Short Wave Listeners are in particular very welcome. A number of radio related topics are up for discussion as well as plans for participation in up coming events for 2015.

December Meeting.

Rather than have a meeting in December, the consensus at last weeks AGM was to meet for a few drinks instead, so it is planned to meet up on Saturday evening the 10th of December about 21:00 in Moynihans Bar, 4 Gladstone Street, Clonmel.  All are welcome.



Thanks to every for their attendance at the A.G.M.last Wednesday night.  The new committee consists of:

Paul Norris, EI3ENB Chair

Eamonn Kavanagh, EI3FFB, Vice Chair

Tommy Hallinan, EI2IT, Treasurer

John Burke, EI2JB, P.R.O.

John Ronan, EI7IG, Secretary